




 Poolesville Presbyterian Church 


      PO Box 68, 17800 Elgin Rd, Poolesville, MD 20837   Phone:301.972.7452





Pastor's Corner


The story has been bopping around out there, flitting near the surface of my consciousness. It's the tale of this Brit who wanted to know...first hand and existentially...what it was like to be a badger.  What do badgers think?  How do they experience the world?

In order to accomplish this, he started spending his time snuffling along the ground like a badger.  He began to regularly eat what badgers eat, meaning he developed a sophisticated gourmand's grasp of the nuances of worm-meat.

The "eating worms" bit is a serious hook.

He also 'became' other creatures.  Stags.  Badgers.  Otters.  Swifts, too, apparently, although I'd love to know how he managed to fly well enough to catch gnats.

This, of course, makes a great pitch for a book.  Which, of course, was the whole idea.

It's fascinating.  Here, the effort to encounter reality from the perspective of an animal, something that's hard for we humans to get at, what with our big brains and our bipedal ambulation and our general disconnect from our own animal nature.

I was thinking about this the other day, because I was walking.

Or rather, I was walking again.  For years, I'd taken long walks as a part of my weekly routine.  When my younger son was in multi-hour rehearsals, I'd work for a bit in the library, then take hour-long rambles through neighborhoods.  It was time to observe, time to think. 

When he stopped taking drums, I stopped walking as much.  The pattern was broken.  I spent more time driving.  More time on social media.  More time around the house. 

And it made me...well...fidgety.  A little more anxious.  A little heavier.  A little less creative.

My soul felt it, that ineffable wholeness of self, meat and spirit woven up into the unique particularity of my person.  Not walking weighed on my soul.

needed to walk.  So lately, as I run errands, I walk.  They take longer, because I get out and use myself to get myself there.

And it struck me, as I walked, that the full engagement of my body was as strange to our peculiar mechanized way of life as being a badger or a stag or a fox. 

As I walk, I am using my limbs as they were intended.  I am erect, my eyes and ears and nose alert to the world.  I am not encased in steel, the scents of tree and grass filtered away by climate control.  I am hearing the world for which I am so well evolved, the sound of wind, the hum of tire on the road.  I see light and detail, the crumbling granularity of American roads, the details of homes, the rustle of a deer in the underbrush.

When I choose to walk, I am not being maximally productive, not optimizing my time, not being efficient.

But I am being human, in the way that my Creator shaped me.

It's a good thing, remembering what it is to be human. 


Peace of Christ, and Blessings,









Session Meeting Summary

September 21, 2016


Rev. David Williams opened the meeting with prayer at 7: 05 p.m. A quorum was declared present.


- David noted that he and Budget and Stewardship Elder Julie Halstead have discussed the 2017 budget, and will be working towards developing a stewardship campaign.


- Mission Elder Krista Beyer reported that the Lord's Table will open on October 8, 2016. Bill Beyer will be coordinating Lord's Table volunteers.


- Worship and Arts Elder Ashley Hofmann let the Session know that Megan Klose will substitute for David on October 2, 2016. The organ was recently given a checkup and some repairs were made. Monica was given a list of suggested repairs with a cost of $40,000.


- Evangelism Elder Jorge Valles told the Session that Poolesville Day was a success thanks to all who volunteered. Suggestions for next year included giving out PPC postcards and showing a video about PPC.


- Building and Grounds Elder Kathy Hanna announced that there will be a work day on September 24, 2016 at 9:00 a.m. The manse roof still needs to be painted. If PPC has the funds Kathy would like to pay someone to paint the roof. Kathy will get an estimate of the cost to paint the roof.


- Christian Education Elder Pat Williams reported that Sunday School classes are going well. The high school class is studying The Gospel According to the Simpsons.


- Rev. David Williams reminded Session that Jane Wonnell had presented her lovely cornucopia mosaic to the congregation, and now it needs to be hung somewhere appropriate in the facility David will ask Jane for her opinion on placement of the cornucopia.


- Connection Café host Berry Thompson hasn't seen anyone at the café for the last eight weeks. He is planning special events to see if that can increase interest. It may be time for PPC to consider the future of the Café.


- There will be a community Thanksgiving service on Sunday, November 20, 2016 at 7:00 p.m. at Our Lady of the Presentation Catholic Church.


- St. Peter's Episcopal Church needs volunteers to help feed high school students.


- Following a request, the Session agreed by consensus that wine can be served at the women's group meetings in the manse.


- The next Presbytery meeting is on September 27, 2016.


- It was motioned, seconded and approved to adjourn at 8:11 p.m. Kathy Hanna closed the meeting with prayer.




Elder Ashley Hofmann, 301.349.2134,  ashleyhofmann@gmail.com

The volunteer schedule is always evolving. If you would like to volunteer as a greeter, read scripture during the worship service, or supervise children during second hour, please let Ashley Hofmann know (ashleyhofmann@gmail.com).



Monica Harwood, harwoodmonica@gmail.com



THE PPC CHOIR will resume weekly rehearsals on


Join us and make a joyful noise! All are welcome. Rehearsals are every Thursday at 7:30 pm, at the Mattes' home. Please contact Monica Harwood if you have any questions: HarwoodMonica@gmail.com or 301-706-9650



Elder Krista Beyer, 301.349., trainphee@aol.com


We're back into the season for Lord's Table, with the first day (on October 8th) turning out very successfully. Tremendous thanks to everyone who took part. With the weather turning colder, there's apt to be increasing numbers of guests attending. Please consider marking the second Saturday of each month as a potential day you might volunteer. This kind of experience allows us to provide blessings to others, and also helps to remind us of the blessings in our own lives.


Next THE LORD' S TABLE Saturday, November 12th, 2016 (3-5:30pm) Please contact Krista Beyer @ trainphee@aol.com if you can help us that day.




Elder Pat Williams, 301., 

Sunday School will be starting in September!  The exciting news is that we will have 3 classes (elementary, middle and high school)!  Please let Pat Williams know if you are interested in teaching.  
Proverbs 22:6 - 

"Start children off on the way they should go, and even when they are old they will not turn from it." (NIV)

Thanks, Pat