





 Poolesville Presbyterian Church 


      PO Box 68, 17800 Elgin Rd, Poolesville, MD 20837   Phone:301.972.7452







Upcoming Dates


Jan 10                3-5:30pm

Lord's Table @St. Martin's


Jan 17                       5 pm

Auction in Speer Hall

Jan 25           after service

Annual Meeting & Potluck Lunch










Pastor's Corner:


As the New Year begins, I've been asked a couple of times: what have I resolved to do in twenty fifteen?  There are a couple of things, of course.  I fully intend to complete my doctoral work.  I've got at least two more novel manuscripts that I'd like to get around to writing.  I plan on staying on track with my health and attending to maintaining good stewardship over my fitness.  I may endeavor to stop biting my nails quite so much.


Those things are fine and dandy, but there are other things--things that relate to my faith--that I'd like to do, too.  I'll share two of those here.


First, I'm intending to plan and preach a few "sermon series" this year.  I tend to preach on the lectionary, which is a great discipline.  It keeps me engaged with and connected to the breadth of scripture.  But while that's well and good, it's not a bad idea to break that pattern once in a while.  This next month, I'll be starting up a nine-part breakdown of the Lord's Prayer.  It's familiar, so familiar we don't even really notice it.  It's the kind of thing that can become rote, just sounds tumbling out of our mouths on cue, and...well...it's important that it not be. For much of the last decade of my life, this familiar prayer has been at the heart of my own prayer life, and I figured this was as good a time as any to share why that is.


Second, as the "Living More" conversations came to an end last month, I began feeling called to experiment with a short contemplative service on Sunday afternoons.  Nothing complex, and nothing demanding, just a time to sing some simple Taize-style songs, engage in silent prayer, and reflect on the time of prayer.  I've engaged in this sort of prayer service before, and found it to be a remarkably centering and gracious way to worship.  I'll be sounding this off of y'all the next few weeks, with the idea that it would be an excellent way to mindfully mark the Lenten season.


So, there you go.  Two resolutions, which y'all will be able to both share with me and check in on.


Peace of Christ, and Blessings,









Session Meeting Minute Summary

December 17, 2014

7:00 p.m. Speer Hall


Rev. David Williams opened the meeting with prayer at 7:05 pm. A quorum was declared 


It was moved, seconded and carried to approve the November 19, 2014 Session meeting minutes.


David reported that Lara is working on the 2015 PPC directory.


The Session agreed that Mike Defnet could sit in on a Session meeting should he need more detailed information for the website and social media.


Nominating Committee Dick Hanna and Chris Hofmann reported that two candidates (both prior elders) have agreed to serve on Session.


In the absence of Worship Elder Stephanie Kasner, David reported that Christmas Eve preparations are going well.  A substitute minister is still needed for December 28th, and other options may be explored for that service.  


It was moved, seconded, and carried that the Joy Offering be collected at the Christmas Eve service.


Buildings and Grounds Elder Dick Hanna will install lights under the balcony to increase visibility for the tone chimes.


Christian Education Elder Chris Hofmann informed the session that the Sunday School Christmas pageant will be in Speer Hall at 10:30 and the service will follow.  The confirmation class is finishing up their work, and will come before the Session for conversation next month.


Fellowship and Congregational Care Elder Pam Mattes reported that the Christmas party was a great success.  Pam thanked everyone who helped.  Alicia Thomas will take care of the Fair Trade products.


There will be no L.I.F.E. dinner in December.  The next dinner will be in January.  PPC Christmas postcards were sent to the community thanks to the help of Kathy Hanna, Jerome Hobart, Greg McFall, Jorge Valles and Dick Hanna.


Carolyn will be gone on Christmas Eve and requested that everyone welcome visitors.


Budget and Stewardship Elder Kathy Koeser presented the 2015 budget.  Dick requested a separate line for auction income that will go to Speer Hall.


After Rev. Williams recused himself, the Session agreed that David's salary and housing amount should be $35,000 for 2015.  The Session also agreed that David, Monica, and Lara each receive a year-end bonus. Kathy thanked Ken Koeser for sending the Stewardship email letter with YouTube video link.


It was motioned, seconded, and approved to approve the 2015 budget as modified.


Rev. Williams returned, and reported that the confirmation class is working on their faith statements and will meet with the Session after church service on January 18, 2015.  He would like to try having a time for contemplative worship in the sanctuary on Sunday. 


It was moved, seconded, and carried to adjourn at 8:12 pm.  The meeting was closed with prayer by Kathy Koeser.




Elder Stephanie Kasner, 301.349.2134,  foreverlookingup@verizon.net


If you are not currently a worship volunteer, please know that we always welcome additions to our volunteer rotation in order to lighten the load.  Please let me know if you are interested.  We will be providing Youth Protection training for those working with the children at the church.  It has been more than 2 years since we last provided this training.  Therefore, all those involved with the children are asked to attend one of the training sessions.  Several training sessions, lasting at most half an hour each, will be offered in the near future.  Contact Stephanie Kasner for more information.


 All are welcome to come make a joyful noise unto the Lord.  We will be starting weekly choir practice again this month.  Contact Monica Harwood if you would like to join or if you have any questions.
We'd love to start up Tone Chimes as well. Let Pam Mattes know if you'd like to join, it's really not hard and lots of fun!!!




Monica Harwood, harwoodmonica@gmail.com




Elder Krista Beyer, 301.349., trainphee@aol.com

Part of the delight in belonging to a church like Poolesville 
Presbyterian is coming to the end of the year knowing that we helped 
make a difference for people in need. Although we're a small church, 
we've been committed to taking care of our fellow humans, through a 
great variety of charity and mission efforts. We reach across our 
neighborhoods and towns, such as through WUMCO and Christmas adoptions 
of local families. And we reach across the world, as in our disaster 
relief contributions for the "One Great Hour of Sharing."
As you review your own experiences of 2014, consider for a moment how 
your displays of Christ love were likely experienced by the recipients 
of your care. There are many strangers out there right now who have 
fond memories, fulfilled needs, and the warmth of altruistic love 
associated with Christ's name and church.
Think also how you want to continue your opportunities for benevolence 
in 2015.

One thought to ponder is how we might change or evolve our missionary 
efforts. What might we do differently this year? If you attended PPC 
services in December, you may have noticed the absence of our annual 
pointsettias. But there was a festive poster of farm animals photos, 
which kept increasing its numbers throughout the month. This was our 
new mission, "Living Gifts for Christmas," which turned out to be a 
great success. Because of the responsiveness and generosity of our 
congregation, desperate individuals and families in impoverished 
nations will have eggs, milk, pork, donkey transportation and other 
lasting benefits this year and beyond. This all happened because 
Catherine Beliveau came up with an idea for a new Christmas mission, 
then saw it through beautifully. We expect this will become an annual 
church effort.
Do you have any ideas for our church? Or do you have ideas for yourself 
- getting more involved in ongoing missions or trying something new for 
you? Please let me (Krista Beyer) know, so we can keep our missions 
fresh and growing.

Yet another opportunity is the Lord's Table this Saturday, January 
10th, from 3:00-5:30pm. Please e-mail me at trainphee@aol.com if you'd 
like to be involved.




Elder Pam Mattes, 301.349., writedoc2003@yahoo.com


Happy new year to all!

As everybody knows, the Fellowship and Congregational Care function at PPC is not a 1-person job! So I want to thank everyone who has pitched in over the past year to make PPC a hospitable congregation where people feel well fed both physically and spiritually, and where folks look forward to gathering to meet and play together. By naming individual contributors  I risk not recognizing someone who also helped significantly, but I am going to do it anyway; please forgive me!


Thank you to Ann Niblock for hosting the annual church picnic at All Seasons Farm and to Kim Murphy, Bill Mattes, Catherine Beliveau and mission trippers, and Alicia and Kevin Thomas for helping prepare for and clean up after the picnic. I know there are other significant helpers, again, please forgive me!


Thank you to Chris Hoffman, Kathy Koeser, and Alicia Thomas for setting up/decorating Speer Hall for the annual Christmas party and to everyone who helped to clean up afterwards, including Pastor David and Kathy Hanna. And thank you, Santa (Ralph Hitchens), for being your jolly self!


Thank you to Ann Niblock and Alicia Burton for your help in sprucing up/reorganizing the kitchen in Speer Hall on a Saturday morning in October.


Finally, thank you to everyone who so graciously provides snacks and beverages for coffee hour after worship on Sundays. You all make coffee hour and the conversation happen!


Fellowship Time Hosts for December:







 K&K Koeser










Elder Chris Hofmann, 301.349.2839, chrishofmann@gmail.com

The Sunday School program put on a successful Christmas pageant on December 21st! A special thank you to all of the volunteers including Kathy & Susan Hanna, Wendy Stoliker, and Jerome Hobart. The kids had a great time and the adults were thoroughly entertained! 
Sunday School will resume as normal on January 4th after a short break for Christmas. The Confirmation Class will be wrapping up in January while the Adult class will finish their study of The Slow Church. Following the book, the class will welcome back Pastor David to help lead the next lesson, which is yet to be determined.



Elder Carolyn McFall, 240.672.2236, carolynmcfall.is@gmail.com



In order for our church to indeed be 'a church of extended family', we must make the effort to make all feel welcome and important. This achievement requires that each and every one of us are the welcoming face of GOD's children and church community. At the moment we each see a visitor, let us each choose the loving habit of a personal welcome, so that everyone feels a part of our warm family. David and I are often unable to speak to visitors before service (the critical welcoming period), and so it truly does take our whole congregation's involvement to achieve a family welcome for every person.


Welcoming ideas:

·         Say "Welcome!"

·         Exchange names

·         Ask what brings them to church

·         Share how you found PPC, or how long you've been attending

·         Share what activities you're involved in at church

·         Invite them to attend coffee hour with you after church

·         Ask them if they'd like to receive our church newsletter (available in email and snail mail)

Carolyn McFall

Evangelism Elder


(240) 672-2236


 LIFE dinners will start back up in January. 



Elder Kathy Koeser, 301  





Elder Dick Hanna, 301.349.5221         hannaelectric@verizon.net


Jan 2015


It's electric bill time. Please be mindful of thermostats when you leave a building. Our greatest bill is electric bill, and Speer Hall is the greatest. Last year it was running over $900.00 per month for just Speer Hall.

We will have some signs up but please leave the cabinet doors open under the sinks in Speer Hall and the manse. Also there is a little door on the left as you enter Speer Hall. It stops the pipes from freezing.






Lara Fisher, Administrative Assistant


Poolesville Presbyterian Church

