





 Poolesville Presbyterian Church 


      PO Box 68, 17800 Elgin Rd, Poolesville, MD 20837   Phone:301.972.7452







Upcoming Dates


Feb 14                

Lord's Table @St. Martin's


Feb 18                       7pm

ASH Wednesday











Pastor's Corner


As PPC rolls into another year, I'm looking forward to subjecting...er...sharing with you some of the thoughts and work I've put into my doctor of Ministry project.  It's a simple and non-academic almost-book-length work, exploring what constitutes a healthy, "fruitful" small faith community.


I know how much many of you have appreciated reading through Chris Smith's "Slow Church," and while this doesn't exactly mirror his work, it should build upon what's been discussed in the adult ed class.


One of the findings that's blared out loud and clear from my readings into vibrant, human-sized fellowships is that attitude matters.  What makes for a small, healthy community?  A healthy, joyous, thankful attitude.  It's sort of odd, and seemingly circuitous.  To be happy, be happy!  To be thankful, be thankful!


Yet so much of what constitutes healthy function in small communities is organic in that very way.  You know someone cares for you when they do it, when they show they care in their words and deeds.  You know someone enjoys your company when they...well...do.  Like the bonds of love or friendship, it's utterly informal, more about the character of the relation than anything else.


Looking out at those gathered for our Annual Meeting last month, I was amazed at just how many of you manifest your care for this community and for each other.   From those who make the music possible to those who make many service and mission opportunities possible, from the garden to the teachers to those who keep the churches structures and business and Finances running smoothly, there is simply so much effort and care put into the life of this gathering.


Working down the list of names in our soon-to-be Updated church directory, I found myself lingering over each one, as I reflect on the gifts that each has brought to our fellowship.  How to recognize each person adequately?  It felt impossible.  As we move further into this year, in fact, I'm going to be getting in touch with each of you, much as I did when I started out at PPC back in 2011.  It's just a basic check-in, a touching base, as I listen for where your hopes and gifts might manifest themselves into our lives together as a community.


I'll look forward to that connection, and to what the future might bring!


Peace of Christ, and Blessings,







Poolesville Presbyterian Church

Session Meeting Summary

January 21, 2015


- Rev. David Williams opened the meeting with prayer at 7:05 p.m.  


- Mike Defnet, our webmaster, was in attendance.  He reported on Poolesville Presbyterian Church's media presence.  The PPC website is doing well and many people are using the podcasts.  Mike hopes to get PPC on Twitter and Instagram. 


- Clerk of Session Suzanne Stevens led the Session through its 2015 roll review.  Members Karen Anderson, William Anderson, Kenneth Mallow and Teresa Mallow have been on the inactive list for two years.  It was motioned, seconded, and carried that the Andersons and the Mallows be removed from the roll of active members.  No new members were placed on the inactive list.


- Fellowship and Congregational Care Elder Pam Mattes suggested via email that the Session consider creating an elder position for the Poolesville Community Garden.  The Session discussed the matter, and after some consideration agreed that a formal position was not needed if members and elders were actively reporting back to the Session.


- Worship and Arts Elder Stephanie Kasner reported that Rev. David Williams served communion on January 4, 2015.  New elders Katharine Hanna and Jorge Valles will be installed on Sunday, February 1, 2015.  She also informed the Session that Scout Sunday will be on February 8, 2015.


- Mission Elder Krista Beyer reported that it is time to review the missions in which PPC is involved to see how they are functioning.  Krista also suggested the possibility of PPC planning joint missions with other Poolesville-area congregations.


- Buildings and Grounds Elder Dick Hanna let the Session know that he heat pump in Speer Hall was broken and would be fixed tomorrow, January 22, 2015.  The auction raised approximately $11,000.00 so Dick will soon be getting an estimate on the cost to replace the windows in Speer Hall.  It may be necessary to seal up the window that is upstairs above the nursery.  Dick requested that auction proceeds be kept as a separate line in the budget.


- Christian Education Elder Chris Hofmann informed the Session that the adult class is finishing up their study of the book Slow Church.  They will discuss what they  will study next.  The confirmation class will likely join the adult class for a three week study, before breaking out again for their own separate curriculum.  The Session will meet with the confirmation class on February 1, 2015.


- Evangelism Elder Carolyn McFall informed the group that there was no L.I.F.E. dinner in January.  A host is needed for the February L.I.F.E. dinner.


- Budget and Stewardship Elder Kathy Koeser presented the Session with copies of the approved budget and reviewed the changes.  Although PPC has been able to pay its bills in 2014, congregational giving needs to increase in order to fund the items in the 2015 budget.


- Krista Beyer suggested the possibility of having a wish tree for Adopt-A-Family at Christmas to help get the congregation more involved and to lessen the expense to the church.


- Chris Hofmann will take over as treasurer from Nancy Kasner in February. Kathy hopes to perform the financial audit in February.


- Rev. David Williams reported that he will initiate a contemplative worship service during Lent to be held at 5:00 p.m. in the sanctuary, lasting 30 to 40 minutes.


It was motioned, seconded, and carried to adjourn at 8:12 p.m.  Krista Beyer ended the meeting with prayer.




Elder Stephanie Kasner, 301.349.2134,  foreverlookingup@verizon.net


If you are not currently a worship volunteer, please know that we always welcome additions to our volunteer rotation in order to lighten the load.  Please let me know if you are interested. We will be providing Youth Protection training for those working with the children at the church.  It has been more than 2 years since we last provided this training.  Therefore, all those involved with the children are asked to attend one of the training sessions.  Several training sessions, lasting at most half an hour each, will be offered in the near future.  Contact Stephanie Kasner for more information.


 All are welcome to come make a joyful noise unto the Lord.  We will be starting weekly choir practice again this month.  Contact Monica Harwood if you would like to join or if you have any questions.
We'd love to start up Tone Chimes as well. Let Pam Mattes know if you'd like to join, it's really not hard and lots of fun!!!




Monica Harwood, harwoodmonica@gmail.com



Elder Krista Beyer, 301.349., trainphee@aol.com

The second Saturday of every month is Lord's Table (this month, Feb 14th,
3-5:30pm). There are only a few more opportunities to serve in this wonderful opportunity before we go on summer break, so mark your calendars in advance. First-time participants are encouraged to give this experience a try. You'll have a cheerful team of regulars to guide and welcome you in!

In regards to our mission work, in general, the winds of change (aka Holy Spirit) seem to be moving through people inside and outside our church. Keep your hearts and hands ready to get involved. This is already looking to be a year of enhanced connections with each other and with God. 
More on this to come




Elder Pam Mattes, 301.349., writedoc2003@yahoo.com

Fellowship and Congregational Care


Thanks to all who bring lovely snacks and prepare coffee for our coffee hours and fellowship time every Sunday after our worship service, and then tidy up Speer Hall and the kitchen afterwards. Coffee hours would not be the same without your service!

As a reminder, if you would like to use a tablecloth(s) for coffee hour, they are located beneath the counter just to the right of the oven. Plastic ware is also located there. Plates, cups, and napkins can be found in the cabinets above. If you find we are running out of any supplies, please let Pam Mattes know.

Finally, if you have not yet SIGNED UP for serving at coffee hour and you would like to take a turn or share a turn with a friend, please let Pam Mattes know so that your name can be put on the schedule roster.




Fellowship Time Hosts for February :









 Niblock / Spencer    








Elder Jorge Valles, 301., jevalles@verizon.net


Many thanks to Chris Hofmann for making the transition to a  new Elder a piece of cake.  There is no changes in curricula, programs or teachers for the remainder of the school year.

The CONFIRMED class (high school) is meeting with the Adults for this month, (under David's guidance we are studying The Sermon of the Mount). Jerome Hobart will continue with this group for the remainder of the school.


Many thanks to Susan, Wendy, Kathy, Jerome, Chris and David for your commitment to teach Christian values to the new generation. If I didn't include your name, the Lord knows who you are... thank you too.


Would you consider joining us for next school year?  Take this 6 months of vacation and I hope that when you hear the call your response will be...

Here I am Lord, Is it I Lord?
I have heard You calling in the night.
I will go Lord, if You lead me.
I will hold Your people in my heart.


In Christ,




Elder Carolyn McFall, 240.672.2236, carolynmcfall.is@gmail.com



In order for our church to indeed be 'a church of extended family', we must make the effort to make all feel welcome and important. This achievement requires that each and every one of us are the welcoming face of GOD's children and church community. At the moment we each see a visitor, let us each choose the loving habit of a personal welcome, so that everyone feels a part of our warm family. David and I are often unable to speak to visitors before service (the critical welcoming period), and so it truly does take our whole congregation's involvement to achieve a family welcome for every person.


Welcoming ideas:

·         Say "Welcome!"

·         Exchange names

·         Ask what brings them to church

·         Share how you found PPC, or how long you've been attending

·         Share what activities you're involved in at church

·         Invite them to attend coffee hour with you after church

·         Ask them if they'd like to receive our church newsletter (available in email and snail mail)

Carolyn McFall

Evangelism Elder


(240) 672-2236




Elder Kathy Koeser, 301  





Elder Dick & Kathy Hanna,301.349.5221  hannaelectric@VERIZON.net


We had a very successful auction and got enough money to fix the heat loss problem in Speer Hall. (We hope)

We have contracted to replace all the windows, except the kitchen, with new double pane windows. The windows are ordered and should be in soon. We hope to get them installed in time to save some money by having a lower electric bill.

Next project is to insulate the attic, frame in and insulate the window in the attic, and put a light. In.

Thanks for all your help while I was Buildings & Grounds elder.

Dick Hanna






Lara Fisher, Administrative Assistant


Poolesville Presbyterian Church

