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 Poolesville Presbyterian Church 


      PO Box 68, 17800 Elgin Rd, Poolesville, MD 20837   Phone:301.972.7452






Upcoming Dates



July 7-11       6:30 - 745pm

Vacation Bible School 


July 16          7pm

Garden Meet




Pastor's Corner:


Last month, as summer got under way, I watched the goings on of our denominational Mother of All Meetings from afar.  It was time for the Presbyterian Church (USA)'s General Assembly, which happens every other year.   What struck me, harder this year than before, is just how very much our way of being together is a political system. 

Like, say, the websites set up by folks who were running for the esteemed position of Moderator of the General Assembly.  Oh, sure, there's not a party affiliation--not formally, not yet, thank the Maker--but they were exactly the same sort of things you see when your state senator is out there shaking the web for votes.

Or the wrangling on the floor and behind the scenes over procedural issues, the sort of back room wheeling and dealing that happens whenever human beings get together in huge groups to figure things out.  There's complicated commentary on rules, and wondering about secret agendas, and all of the stuff that rises from the organic life of parliaments and committees of the House of Representatives.

This all serves to remind me: in the way we structure our life together as a denomination, we Presbyterians don't look anything like the sleekly focused corporate hierarchies of market-based megachurch Christianity. 

Our way of being together?  It's not product.  It's the way of the polis.  It's political, in the same way that a constitutional republic is political.  It's just how human beings in large groups function, when there's no King or Emperor or CEO to call every last shot.

When I teach new member classes, or confirmation classes, I've tended to highlight that as a strength.  The foundation of our Presbyterian constitution arose from the same heady era as the Constitution of the United States, and that--for a very long time--was a great strength of our...um..."brand."

Now, though, I do find myself wondering if that's one of the reasons we struggle to connect with culture as a fellowship. 

Here we have a culture that is worn out and disillusioned by the mess of political discourse.

Politics has always been boisterous, always, but that tendency towards rancorous hubbub has been amplified to bleeding-ear levels by 24 hour news cycles and the roaring partisanship of our online echo chambers.

That way of life, loud and divisive and messy, can be exhausting.  It can also be rewarding, in the complex way of human relationships, but demanding of our energy and attention.  It requires sacrifice.  No one gets exactly what they want, because in a relationship, that's an expectation that kills.

Here we have a culture, in which we live out our mess publicly and together, that has come to expect faith to look like a product.   We want what we want, with a couple of clicks and two day shipping.  Product does not challenge us.  It gives us what we want, or we return it.

And that's a bit challenging, when it comes time to tell people about this way of being we've found.   Come join our fellowship, we say. 

It looks just like politics!




Session Meeting Summary




Elder Stephanie Kasner, 301.349.2134,  foreverlookingup@verizon.net


The spring has seemed to fly by and it's just about time to switch to our summer worship schedule. This year the change will be minimal. Our last Sunday with Sunday School will be June 8th- a special service at 10:30am lead by our youth and celebrating the end of the church school year.

So......please take note that starting JUNE 15th there will be no Sunday School and we will continue to have our worship service at 10:30 am. We will continue to have nursery available as well as 2nd hour for children 2nd grade and under.


We would like to continue to enhance our worship with music, so don't be shy about sharing your musical gifts during worship. Please contact our music director, Monica, if you'd like to provide music during summer services.







Elder Krista Beyer, 301.349., trainphee@aol.com


Hopefully everyone is enjoying summer and perhaps even finding some time for actual relaxation. This is a season that can offer a different schedule than the rest of the year, which may get us thinking about summer projects. Although we usually think about these projects as being related to organizing and cleaning, we might also commit ourselves to something even more inspirational.


Summer can be a great opportunity for our own personal mission work, and we can look to our kids for some great examples of this. Last summer, Amelia Hobart and several of her friends cut their hair to donate on behalf of their teacher undergoing chemotherapy. Kara and Jace Beyer decided to forgo presents and use their birthday party to raise $250, each, for the children they sponsor through Compassion International. This inspired their (twin brother) friends, Ian and William, to use their party to raise money for a local charity. Another friend, Maggie Rose, was inspired by the charity activities at a VBS to make a lemonade stand and raise over $80 for a Kenyan orphanage.


Sometimes all it takes is one sweet idea, along with love in our hearts, to create a truly wonderful answer to the question, "What did you do this summer?"




Elder Pam Mattes, 301.349., writedoc2003@yahoo.com


Many thanks and a great round of applause for Ann Niblock, who so graciously hosted us at All Seasons Farm on June 8 for the annual church picnic. A wonderful time was had by all! Thank you, Ann!

Thanks are also due to those who provide for coffee hour immediately after worship over the summer months. If the weather permits, feel free to serve outside on one of the picnic tables, on the sidewalk near Speer Hall. Everyone is also welcome to take a stroll over to the Poolesville Community Garden to see what is growing in the plots and to enjoy the garden overall!

And, speaking of the garden, there will be a meeting at 7 pm on July 16 in Speer Hall of all friends and supporters of the community garden. Come and meet our collaborators, the Poolesville Green folks, and other gardeners, and share your ideas on keeping this cool green community resource growing!





Elder Chris Hofmann, 301.349.2839, chrishofmann@gmail.com


We had a very successful Vacation Bible School the week of July 7th! We learned about GRACE and having faith in Jesus. We had 11 children attend this year, which is the most we've had in the last couple of years.


I would like to give a special thanks to Kathy, Susan, Katie, Carolyn, Jerome, and Catherine for volunteering. We simply could not have put on VBS without their incredible help.


If anyone would like to check out the pictures from the week, please contact me to get the ID and password.




Elder Carolyn McFall, 240.672.2236, carolynmcfall.is@gmail.com






Elder Kathy Koeser, 301  

Have you ever forgotten to bring your offering? Is the only check you write the one to the church? Are you looking to ensure you meet your stewardship pledge? If you said "yes" to any of these questions, we have an answer for you: Vanco electronic giving. After filling out a simple form that includes an amount, timing, and bank information, the church will receive your offerings through direct deposit from your checking account. The form is on the church website or available in the copy room in the manse. If you are interested or have any questions, please contact Kathy Koeser.



Elder Dick Hanna, 301.349.5221         hannaelectric@verizon.net


Our contractor wrapped the trim on the Manse until the dollar limit was reached. We are in contact to determine how much is needed to finish.

As soon as it is finished, we will paint. Volunteers are welcome.







Lara Fisher, Administrative Assistant


Poolesville Presbyterian Church

